Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Western Mines Group uncovers broad disseminated sulphide mineralisation at Mulga Tank

by Berkeley Lovelace

Western Mines Group (ASX:WMG) has encountered broad disseminated mineralisation from a phase two diamond drilling (DD) program at its flagship Mulga Tank Ni-Cu-PGE Project in Western Australia. 

The results, generated by drillhole MTD022 and wedge MTD022W1, as well as from further assays from phase one hole MTD012, have been returned from a 506m thick package of high magnesium oxide (MgO) adcumulate dunite ultramafic containing disseminated magmatic sulphides from 102m downhole. 

Western Mines Group notes assays from MTD022 demonstrate adcumulate-extreme adcumulate dunite down the length of the hole, averaging about 46.6% MgO, and 0.29% nickel (Ni) for all samples assayed over 474.2m. It is reported various intersections also demonstrate evidence for disseminated Mt Keith-style nickel mineralisation and a “live” magmatic sulphide mineral system to exist at the project. 

Key intersections include hole MTD022 with 114m @ 0.31% Ni, 33 parts per million (ppm) copper (Cu), 121ppm cobalt (Co) from 124m (0.25% Ni cut-off) including 14m @ 0.48% Ni, 152ppm Cu, 171ppm Co with 0.66% sulphur (S) from 168m.      

Drilling is being undertaken by the company to test a number of follow-up targets based on results generated by Western Mines Group’s first drilling program and ongoing exploration targeting work, and will comprise 6 diamond holes for 4,000-5,000m.

Addressing the results, Western Mines Group Managing Director Dr Caedmon Marriott says: “It’s good to see the first assay results from our Phase 2 program coming through in a timely manner and the results corroborate the visual indications of disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation. 

The relatively shallow intersections of Mt Keith-style mineralisation in holes MTD022 and MTD012, approximately 500m apart, are of particular interest, with the team considering how we can best follow-up and trace richer zones of this mineralisation. 

“The relatively shallow intersections of Mt Keith-style mineralisation in holes MTD022 and MTD012, approximately 500m apart, are of particular interest…” 

The evidence of disseminated mineralisation at depth we hope could be disseminated cloud sulphide often associated with Type 1 basal massive sulphide deposits. Multiple remobilised massive nickel sulphide veinlets have now been seen in holes MTD012, MTD013 and MTD022 near the basal contact. A DHEM EM survey will be conducted on hole MTD022 to investigate this area.”   

The company also notes follow-up samples were also submitted from phase 1 hole MTD012 following reinvestigation in light of results from MTD022 and found previously unlogged disseminated sulphide mineralisation, with corresponding anomalous pXRF data. 

These results are also reported to display a similar relatively shallow intercept of disseminated mineralisation to hole MTD022, hinting at the lateral extent of the system in drillholes about 500m apart. Key intercepts include hole MTD012 with 50m @ 0.32% Ni, 25ppm Cu, 124ppm Co, 12 parts per billion (ppb) platinum (Pt)+palladium (Pd) from 177m including 16m @ 0.38% Ni, 38ppm Cu, 132ppm Co, 16ppb Pt+Pd from 197m. 

It is also reported that the wedge of drillhole MTD022 uncovered an additional 3 zones of remobilised nickel sulphide, which are described as ‘significantly’ larger than those previously seen in nearby holes MTD012 and MTD013, and leads to the belief that a massvie sulphide source is closer than expected. 

With assays from recent drillhole MTD022 now received, Western Mines Group announces a downhole-electromagnetic (DHEM) survey crew is being mobilised to test holes MTD022 and MTD023, as well as look for ‘significant’ offhole EM conductor anomalies that could be permissive of massive or matrix sulphide mineralisation.  

Western Mines Group’s Mulga Tank project is located near the township of Edjudina in Western Australia and represents a ‘major’ dunite intrusive on the under-explored Minigwal Greenstone Belt. Previous work undertaken at the project demonstrates ‘significant’ evidence for a working sulphide mineral system considered ‘highly prospective’ for nickel-copper-platinum group element (Ni-Cu-PGE) mineralisation.

Other assets included in the company’s exploration portfolio include the Jasper Hill and Rock of Ages projects in Western Australia.

Images: Western Mines Group Ltd
